If you, or your child, develop a new skin rash, is your instinctive reaction to apply a moisturiser or steroid cream to the area of inflamed skin? Why is that? Has eczema been present there before? Someone with eczema can also develop skin rashes that have nothing to do with their eczema. They can be simply explained, and are similar to those seen on people who have never had eczema. Unfortunately, once someone who has suffered from eczema before plays host to a new skin rash, it can often be mistaken for an eczema flare-up and then treated as one. This can then lead to a state that EXeczema®’s Dr Harley Farmer calls “The Eczema Trap”.
The Eczema Trap
The Eczema Trap is where the disease is caused and then maintained by the treatment. This can occur when a new skin rash is labelled as eczema, whether at home or in a medical setting by a doctor. If the thinking is directed towards eczema, the usual moisturisers and steroid creams will likely be applied. The application of such products can then cause eczema, even though the original inflammation may have been completely unrelated and a simple skin rash that would have gone away on its own. What began as an initial thought and mislabelling has now become an eczema diagnosis. When eczema is caused by the treatment, the first thought that it may be eczema is confirmed. A tragic shame if this turns out to be a temporary skin rash that has nothing to do with eczema, wouldn’t you agree?
How To Avoid The Eczema Trap
Regardless of what type of skin you have, it should be in happy balance. A simple way to ensure this is to keep the skin cleansed and moisturised with gentle, water-based products like those featured in EXeczema®’s popular range.
Our products are perfect for all ages and skin types, including the most sensitive, eczema-prone skin. EXeczema®’s Foam Skin Wash and Gel Emollient are so kind that they will not induce inflammation, even when applied to damaged and cracked skin, and will allow the skin to heal.
What if you develop a new skin rash?
There are numerous potential causes of the new rash. If no irritant is applied, and the cause of the inflammation is discovered and eliminated, the rash will disappear and The Eczema Trap will be avoided. The main thing to know the next time a skin rash appears is that you should not apply any products which might induce inflammation and turn that rash into eczema.
Learn To Explain Eczema
Learn to explain eczema with our full control program. In it you will gain valuable knowledge and a new understanding about eczema and the skin. This will enable you to achieve a different, much more desirable outcome, and then support others to do the same. Enjoy your health and happiness, with EXeczema® and please
contact our team with any questions or for further information. Have fun and take pleasure in giving back and helping others.

Start Your Journey Out Of Eczema