Teddy committed to the EXeczema® program in late 2019 and is now eczema-free! Please see his in-depth review below:
Childhood eczema
I have suffered with eczema for as long as I can remember. As a child, the insides of my elbows, the backs of my knees, and my arms were mainly affected by the skin condition. I grew up with the all too familiar routine of applying various moisturisers and prescribed steroid creams, to no real avail.
Eczema in teenage years
In my teenage years, I often experienced symptoms of eczema on my face, with my skin particularly dry and flaky. During my early twenties, I developed hand eczema which became very severe in a relatively short period of time. At some times, my hands would become red raw and unbearably itchy, however at other times, they would become extremely dry and feature deep cracks that were not only unsightly but very sore.
Introduction to Dr Harley’s book
It was my older sister that introduced me to Dr Harley Farmer's book "What is eczema?" and his developed EXeczema® product range and program. The knowledge openly shared by Dr Harley in his book, and some of his articles that I found on the internet, allowed me to understand my individual eczema, how to get rid of eczema, and how to prevent any future return of eczema.
Committing to the EXeczema® program
Without hesitation, I committed to Dr Harley's
EXeczema® full control program, ceasing all applications of the numerous lotions and potions I had accrued over the years. I began the sole use of the 'Foam Skin Wash' from the EXeczema® product range which I used as both a hand soap and body wash alternative.
Clear results, quickly!
Within days, my skin was noticeably improving, the foam wash left my skin feeling clean and soft.... soft! - I'm not sure of the last time that my hands felt soft. It was after a few weeks of only using the Foam Skin Wash that I realised my dermatitis had gone. My new skin was healthy and eczema-free and with my gained knowledge and understanding, I was determined to keep it that way. I have now been living without eczema plagued hands including the winter months when my hands would have previously been at their worst. I now not only know how to prevent my eczema from returning but am confident that I can help other people suffering from eczema also. What was the vital step which provided the greatest gain for me? Knowing I only needed to rid myself of the mindset that eczema had to go on and on. Once I had a positive mindset based on the knowledge Dr Harley shares, I was able to watch my skin heal itself of eczema. In hindsight I realise ending my eczema and remaining free of it began with a thought. My liberation began in the mind and then showed on my skin. For more information on
Dr Harley’s EXeczema® program, or to get help to further explain and understand your own eczema, with a look to ending the condition for good, visit execzema.com.

Start Your Journey Out Of Eczema