“But Mrs Smith it hurts my hands” was the plaintive plea as a teacher asked the children to sanitise their hands, again. The infant school was proud of how well they had trained their pupils to conduct regular hand hygiene.
Addition Of Alcohol Hand Sanitisers In Infant Schools
Prior to Covid-19 their hand hygiene was limited to hand washing at taps four times a day. The little hands tolerated that and the group hand washing was undertaken with glee. Then alcohol hand sanitisers were added because the World Health Organisation (WHO) suggested its use to combat the new coronavirus. The UK government followed suit and the school followed government guidance that children should apply alcohol to their hands regularly. Good from the virus perspective. What if you wanted to worry about something more than the virus? What if you could see the redness developing and spreading on the children’s hands? Would you want to pass on your feelings about the children being damaged? Yes, and that is what Lou Smith did when she repeated to me what the child had said to her.
A Simple Irritant Reaction Could Become Atopic Eczema
Years before, I had explained Atopic Eczema to Lou’s family and they went on to achieve their skin goals. Lou realised the red irritation on her pupils’ hands was an irritant reaction to repeated use of aggressive chemicals. However the word eczema was being used for these children and Lou had bitter memories of the impact that word had once had on her family. What if the parents applied the more commonly used moisturisers and emollients to the red hands? What was a sad but simple irritant reaction could become Atopic Eczema. It’s very common in children and Lou could see it breaking out. The coronavirus epidemic was heading towards an eczema epidemic. All the steps were in place, from the WHO saying use alcohol on hands to the shops selling skincare products associated with causing and then maintaining eczema.
Explain Eczema
If any of this sounds familiar and you would like to learn how other parents have achieved wonderful skin goals
, see our Explain Eczema page. Explain Eczema is a digital learning program that shows parents how they can abruptly stop that progression from irritation to
eczema. In Explain Eczema you will see medical evidence of how eczema begins and what keeps it going. The knowledge gained allows you to remove the cause so the skin can heal itself. No drugs are needed once you know how to stop it happening.

Start Your Journey Out Of Eczema